
Exercise For Pranayam | Breathing Techniques | Yoga In Spanish

2016-01-07 2 Dailymotion

The most important part of yoga practice is the ability to breathe deeply and fully. Proper breathing is vital to our health, mental focus and sense of calm. The King Kong of yoga exercises and yoga breathing techniques (pranayama) is the powerful So Darshan Chakra Kriya. This exercise is know for bestowing psychic powers (yoga siddhis) and supreme health. Beginner version is included for those new to yoga and interested in learning this incredible technique.

1) Nadishodhan pranayam which is also known as alternate nostril breathing. It has many health benefits.

1: Relieves stress and anxiety.
2: Calms mind and soul.
3: Helps fight asthma.
4: Keeps heart healthy.

(2) Kapalbhati pranayam benefits.

1: Cures respiratory problems.
2: Benefits entire body.
3: Keeps lungs healthy.
4: Increases blood circulation.
5: Calms mind & body.

(3) Surya bhedna pranayam benefits.

1: Improves digestive system.
2: Increases blood circulation.
3: Increases energy.

(4) Chandrabhedan pranayam benefits.

1: Controls obesity.
2: Calms mind & body.
3: Cures insomnia.
4: Relieves stress.

(5) Anulom vilom pranayam benefits.

1: Controls obesity.
2: Cures migraines.
3: Clears nasal area.
4: Reduces stress.
5: Increases metabolism.

(6) Surya bhastrika pranayam benefits.

1: Reduces gastric problems.
2: Improves digestion.
3: Cleans stomach.
4: Relaxes body.

(7) Chandra bhastrika. It has many health benefits.

1: Pumps more blood and oxygen.
2: Improves cardiovascular health.
3: Helps fight asthma.
4: Clears nasal areas.

(8) Surya chandra bhastrika. It has many health benefits.

1: Keeps lungs and heart healthy.
2: Improves blood circulation.
3: Helps fight asthma.
4: Increases supply of oxygen in body.

(9) Bhastrika pranayama. It has many benefits.

1: Helps to cure asthma.
2: Decreases rate of tumors.
3: Clears nasal area.
4: Relieves tension.
5: Reduces gastric problems.

(10) Sheetali Pranayama. It has numerous health benefits.

1: Relaxes the mind and body.
2: Produces a cooling effect to the entire body.
3: Improves breathing.
4: Clears the throat.

(11) Sheetkari pranayama and its benefits.

1: Gives a cooling effect to the body.
2: Relaxes mind and body.
3: Keeps teeth and gums and healthy.

(12) Bharmari pranayama and its benefits.

1: Calms mind.
2: Helps fight paralysis.
3: Improves concentration.

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